Sunday, 8 December 2019


I was blown away of how technical these guys play on "Live Extermination! This review was orginally written for: After two pretty decent albums, they decided to put out a live DVD. The drumming is fast and the guitars are played professionally. Besides two or three people who are headbanging, the whole crowd is just standing there. The covers add some color to the album. For this, I suggest the album, Murder's Concept. yattering live extermination

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This DVD, as well as the live concert, has two 'rare' music videos, a biography and some other pointless band stuff. Trying to exterminatioon the notes these guys can play along with the solos is almost impossible.

Yattering Live Extermination (Live)- Spirit of Metal Webzine (en)

The cover of Brutal Truth's "Ill Neglect" is also pretty interesting. The guys on stage really have no stage presence besides headbanging, and theres extegmination nothing to get you engulfed into this DVD unless you are a massive fan of the band.

The drumming is fast and the guitars are played professionally. GuntherTheUndyingJuly 27th, Every band member stands out and puts on a delightful show. There is a small audience there but hardly anyone is into it. The only thing that is somewhat irritating is the speed of "Dittohead.

yattering live extermination

Write your own review. Yattering have always been known to play insane music, but hearing these tunes live is just nuts.

yattering live extermination

Yattering plays a healthy dose of songs from their first three albums along side some covers. The covers add some color to the album. As for the exterminattion, it is very accurately played.

Live Extermination

Besides two or three people sxtermination are headbanging, the whole crowd is just standing there. Best viewed without Internet Explorer, in x resolution or higher. Soon after the release of "lll," Yattering unfortunately disbanded.

The cover of Slayer's "Dittohead" is played perfectly from start to finish. If you are a big fan of this band, then you are missing out by not having this DVD, but do not try and get into the band by watching this, as it does not deliver. If you enjoy technical death metal, this is the live album for you.

yattering live extermination

Svierszcz's growls are pretty hard to understand and a little faint, but is still good. Yattering's bizarre style of technical death metal seemed so complex that it would seem impossible to play perfectly live, extremination these crazy guys can pull it off, and "Live Extermination" is prove of that.

The drumming is played incredibly fast with these complicated time signatures. I was blown away of how technical these guys play on "Live Extermination! The guitar work is beyond great. The drumming performance is just as good as the guitar work.

YATTERING - Live Extermination - CD - On Parole

After two pretty decent albums, they decided to put out a live DVD. For this, I suggest the album, Murder's Concept.

This review was orginally written for: Their live concert, while accurately played, has no energy. Bands alphabetical country genre Labels alphabetical country Reviews R.

This may be because no one is drunk yet, as by the end yqttering the concert, at least half the crowd are headbanging, but it still fails to deliver for the first half of the concert.

Not only is this a good live album, it marked the end of an era. The material played on "Live Extermination" is a nice treat for these fans. Yattering's past albums have yatterung some of the most crazy music known in metal.

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